How does everyone feel about going back to ‘normality’ after lockdown ? Are you finding it strange? Is it like old times? Have you developed social anxiety? Would love to hear about your experiences and how you are managing? 


  • Anonymous


    I’m an outgoing person and love socialising but even I’m finding it difficult. I thought I missed going out. But now, I actually don’t mind being at home and in my own company. There’s something liberating about it! And I have realised that I don’t need lots of people around me to feel worthy or liked. One or two true friends is so much comforting.

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  • Anonymous


    I think going back into normality I am getting anxious. I just dont want to catch anything and have to take time off as a result as I am a locum so I will not get paid my normal day rate if I am off. This makes me nervous. I have a baby thats only used to being at home which also adds to my anxiety. However, on the flip side, COVID-19 has taught me priorities of seeing people. Before I would travel far and wide to every event as I find it hard to say no. Because of COVID-19 I had a good "excuse" to only see the people I wanted to prioritise and therefore its taught me to continue to do that for my own mental health.

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