"Did you think that We created you uselessly and that to Us you would not be returned?" - (23:115)
"Indeed, with hardship there comes ease." - (94:5-6)
Alhamdulillah for everything!
"Indeed what is to come will be better for you than what has gone by" - (Chapter 93, Verse 4)
Always keeps me optimistic for the future when things look and feel tough in the present. :)
'Allah is the best of planners'. This helps me everytime I feel sad that something hasn't gone my way, Or when I don't understand why things have/haven't happened.
I CANT QUOTE ANY OFF MY HEART - But the ones i like are the positive - i grew with the word 'haram' a lot - this is haram that is haram - but actually Allah is merciful and forgiving - so any thing that brings this to light is positive
i also like 'be, and it is' and 'and which of the favours of your lord will you deny'
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