I don't want my daughter with a black man as people will speak badly about usI have always been close to my parents, so didn't want to hide my relationship from them and told them about it as soon as me and my partner got together. Immediately, my mum disliked him without knowing anything about him. I thought it was because of my intentions to marry so soon, but unfortunately it was because of his ethnicity. In fact, her exact words were: I don't want my daughter with a black man as people will speak badly about us¯. It was unfair for my mum to put family image first, to the point that she was discriminating which I completely disagree with. It doesn't matter about a person's race, they shouldn't be judged by it!
I hate shining a bad light on my mum, as she is still my mum and is very kind and caring, however racism is wrong - not to mention her hypocrisy too
hate shining a bad light on my mum, as she is still my mum and is very kind and
caring, however racism is wrong - not to mention her hypocrisy too. Her mother disapproved of
my dad and she ran away to be with him. I don't understand how she could Have
gone through a similar situation, yet still not support my relationship “
instead she says that me being with a black man is karma for her running away from
her family to be with my father. It's sad as we have always had a sisterly
relationship where I could talk about anything and everything with her, but now
I can't. Any mention of him gets immediately swept aside, in fact she
has even tried to get me together with other men.
No matter what, I will fight for my partner. I don't agree with my mum's
traditional outlook that cares about what people will say¯ and puts reputation
first. It's sad...why must we live our lives based on what some aunty back in Pakistan
is going to say? Love shouldn't have boundaries, not to mention Islam states
that we should love all regardless of our differences. Yet, due to the
judgement of the South-Asian community, many individuals think it is wrong to
be with someone of a different race and background.
While older generations are still ruled by traditional values, it should be
acknowledged that times are changing. We are in 2020 and for those living in a
Western and more diverse culture, it means we are bound to meet and potentially
marry someone of a different background - in fact, I was shocked when I saw how
common interracial relationships are. This gives me hope that one day my family
will accept my relationship. I also hope that others, regardless of their race
or sexuality, don't have to fight for their love.
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